Search For personality In Quotes 120

The reason it has relevance is because I as a popular Arab personality - the Arab people like me and respect me - thought it was time for me to make an ever so tiny statement about what I thought about this whole thing.

It's a very complex scenario and certainly Dave was and is not the only person in Pearl Jam with personality flaws. Everybody in this band exhibits some form of neurotic behavior. And we couldn't find a balance a mutual respect for each other.

I believe that like most writers my personality comes through in the fiction. So in that respect my writing can't be like any other author's really.

Bad acting comes in many bags various odors. It can be performed by cardboard refugees from an Ed Wood movie reciting their dialogue off an eye chart or by hopped-up pros looking to punch a hole through the fourth wall from pure ballistic force of personality like Joe Pesci in a bad mood. I can respect bad acting that owns its own style.

And I have the support of the writers: I have a great relationship with the creative team and they have a good hold of my character and my personality and they come up with some great stuff and I'm forever trying to change it up keep it fresh.

When you're in a relationship with somebody who is also a public personality then it doubles the attention from the media.

I have my ethics and morals. I have my anchor point of what is right and wrong in real life but I'm not afraid to entertain any and every aspect of personality in relationship to creating a character.

Personality has power to uplift power to depress power to curse and power to bless.

What matters most in politics is personality. It's not issues it's not image. It's who you are and what you represent.

The lesson of the last year is this: foreign policy can't be managed through the politics of personality and our President would do well to take note of an observation John F. Kennedy made once he was in office - that all of the world's problems aren't his predecessor's fault.