Search For peaks In Quotes 53

I think that a song when it works never mind a piece of long form music even a song is something that speaks to itself but has a language all of its own ideally.

Where words fail music speaks.

Money speaks but it speaks with a male voice.

There are going to be peaks and valleys in everything - in your marriage in your job in your life. So just enjoy the peaks and ride out the valleys. Just try not to do anything too rash.

Honor bespeaks worth. Confidence begets trust. Service brings satisfaction. Cooperation proves the quality of leadership.

Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens.

All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane the automobile the computer - says little about his intelligence but speaks volumes about his laziness.

Great men are rarely isolated mountain peaks they are the summits of ranges.

Everybody at home speaks mandarin except me.

The words that a father speaks to his children in the privacy of home are not heard by the world but as in whispering galleries they are clearly heard at the end and by posterity.