Search For owners In Quotes 44

By offering individuals ownership and control of their health care coverage we return control to the patients and that is exactly where it should be.

I don't look for much to come out of government ownership as long as we have Democrats and Republicans.

People who own property feel a sense of ownership in their future and their society. They study save work strive and vote. And people trapped in a culture of tenancy do not.

Private ownership of property is vital to both our freedom and our prosperity.

Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.

The facility of obtaining food is beneficial in two ways to the owners of capital it at the same time raises profits and increases the amount of consumable commodities.

Owners of dogs will have noticed that if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection they will think you are God. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that if you provide them with food and water and affection they draw the conclusion that they are God.

It's a little known fact that one in three family pets gets lost during its lifetime and approximately 9 million pets enter shelters each year. That's why it's a wonderful thing to get your pet microchipped and registered with your contact information because then they can be located and the owners can track where their pets are.

When you make a commitment to a relationship you invest your attention and energy in it more profoundly because you now experience ownership of that relationship.

The Internet is the hope of an integrated world without frontiers a common world without controlling owners a world of opportunities and equality. This is a utopia that we have been dreaming about and is a world in which each and every one of us are protagonists of a destiny that we have in our hands.