Search For overs In Quotes 139

Mysticism poor mysticism! When it is underestimated and oversimplified it comes down from its original sphere and stands beside religion.

Haven't two hundred years of failed missionary work overseas taught anybody anything? You can't convert people to anything - whether religion or something as inane as our flicks.

There are numerous cases of that where one of our writers discovers another writer whom he likes and we then take that book on. So it's a very close relationship. We can do that because we're so small.

Corporations invest in sophisticated CRM or Customer Relationship Management programs to effectively oversee their relationship with their customers at every point during the buying process.

The bitterest creature under heaven is the wife who discovers that her husband's bravery is only bravado that his strength is only a uniform that his power is but a gun in the hands of a fool.

I am of mixed minds about the issue of privacy. On one hand I understand that information is power and power is well power so keeping your private information to yourself is essential - especially if you are a controversial figure a celebrity or a dissident.

Well I think the president is going to do well in terms of his influence for positive change here in the Congress making sure that we don't overspend making sure that we spend for only those programs that are justified.

When governments become large voters cannot exercise close oversight otherwise known as political power.

I'd never really been content with just churning out these slim volumes every three or four years. I've always tried to think of poetry as an active ingredient in the language rather than just something that appears between the covers of thin books.

Pet lovers know that animals sometimes understand us better than we do and the annals of human sin and desire provide plenty of stories to drive the point home.