Search For overnight In Quotes 31

Failure is not a single cataclysmic event. You don't fail overnight. Instead failure is a few errors in judgement repeated every day.

But if you pick up every other magazine it is the peanut butter diet or the cabbage soup diet and then you go to the radio and you hear that you can drink some solution and you will lose weight overnight. It just does not work that way!

I think that people need to have the courage of their convictions and not be trying to fool people into thinking that they've changed overnight.

I joined MySpace in September 2003. At that time no one was on there at all. I felt like a loser while all the cool kids were at some other school. So I mass e-mailed between 30 000 and 50 000 people and told them to come over. Everybody joined overnight.

I'm not going to change the world overnight. It's one person at a time and hopefully they're people in positions of power who can help people get in those roles and really truly embrace colorblind casting.

I don't think you can work on feelings in politics apart from anything else political change can come very unexpectedly sometimes overnight when you least expect it.

I can't change overnight into a serious literary author. You can't compare apples to oranges. William Faulkner was a great literary genius. I am not.

You cannot change your destination overnight but you can change your direction overnight.

It's so funny looking back but my so-called overnight success actually took 15 years. I remember when I didn't have any money and my only car was mom's Hyundai.

The war changed everybody's attitude. We became international almost overnight.