I like to write with people I have a relationship with otherwise it's kind of scary and you hold back because you don't want to pour your guts out to someone you never met.
When governments become large voters cannot exercise close oversight otherwise known as political power.
For whatever reason people including very well-educated people or people otherwise interested in reading do not read poetry.
Otherwise I don't read much adult poetry at all because I'm not smart enough and mostly I don't get it.
A definition of poetry can only determine what poetry should be and not what poetry actually was and is otherwise the most concise formula would be: Poetry is that which at some time and some place was thus named.
I build a kind of wall between myself and t he model so that I can paint in peace behind it. Otherwise she might say something that confuses and distracts me.
Therefore I feel that the aforementioned guiding principle must be modified to read: If you desire peace cultivate justice but at the same time cultivate the fields to produce more bread otherwise there will be no peace.
There is no patriotic obligation to help advance the career of a politician who is otherwise pursuing interests that are fundamentally antithetical to your values. That's not the call of patriotism.
So I do have to work you know and I find as many movies and TV shows that I can because otherwise I wouldn't have an income.
The one regret I have about my own abortions is that they cost money that might otherwise have been spent on something more pleasurable like taking the kids to movies and theme parks.