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I'd skip school regularly to see movies - even in the morning in the small Parisian theaters that opened early.

Then you've got Georgetown and I really just like everything about them. When I went down there with my mom it really opened my eyes to what they were all about. I have to factor in what a school like that can do for me even away from being a basketball player.

When I was six years old my friend was auditioning for 'Annie ' and I decided I wanted to audition with her. My mom was worried I would fall flat on my face because I'd never opened my mouth to sing so she sent me to vocal lessons. I did the audition and fell in love with the entire process of a show.

From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. But when books are opened you discover that you have wings.

It was a fantastic learning experience and OK I got slammed because I wasn't Audrey Hepburn but you could have predicted that really if you'd opened your eyes wide enough.

I opened my own restaurant when I was 17. I went broke then traveled around the country learning about different kinds of foods had three other restaurants that went broke. It didn't all start just a few years ago!

I've always loved music but I never really played anything. After 'Walk the Line' and learning to play guitar and having that sense of performing I think that certainly opened the door for me for music.

Composing gives me a chance to work in multiple dimensions and helps me pare down my melodies into what is essential. Learning new skills has always energized me and scoring has opened up a world of sonic possibilities.

The channels of intuitive knowledge are opened according to the intensity of individual need.

I would rather drudge out my life on a cotton plantation till the grave opened to give me rest than to live with an unprincipled master and a jealous mistress.