Search For occasional In Quotes 58

I think any branding for me is band-related. It's really weird to get used to the exposure because I am a naturally introverted person and I'm not exactly social. Occasionally I can get comfortable enough to talk but I spend a lot of my days not talking especially when I'm at home and not on tour.

I work at home in the country and days will go by when except for my husband and son and the occasional UPS man the only sentient creatures that see me are my chickens and turkeys.

I like to think of myself at home in the armchair writing smoking and occasionally wandering down the shop.

To me luxury is to be at home with my daughter and the occasional massage doesn't hurt.

The worst feeling in the world is the homesickness that comes over a man occasionally when he is at home.

The whole history of pop music had rested on the first person singular with occasional intrusions of the second person singular.

I wouldn't attach too much importance to these student riots. I remember when I was a student at the Sorbonne in Paris I used to go out and riot occasionally.

Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights and our comfort when we occasionally falter.

What this country needs what every country needs occasionally is a good hard bloody war to revive the vice of patriotism on which its existence as a nation depends.

One needs occasionally to stand aside from the hum and rush of human interests and passions to hear the voices of God.