Search For obscure In Quotes 25

The great work must inevitably be obscure except to the very few to those who like the author himself are initiated into the mysteries. Communication then is secondary: it is perpetuation which is important. For this only one good reader is necessary.

Nothing is as real as a dream. The world can change around you but your dream will not. Responsibilities need not erase it. Duties need not obscure it. Because the dream is within you no one can take it away.

For my birthday my husband learned to cook and is cooking one day a week for me. But he only likes to do fancy dishes. So we end up with weird obscure things in the refrigerator.

Talent like beauty to be pardoned must be obscure and unostentatious.

When I tour it's like well like a food tour as much as a comedy tour. I try to eat at all the weird places the obscure barbecue joints burger places. There are a few spots in L.A. that I'm obsessed with - one of them is the Taco Zone taco truck on Alvarado. There are secret off-menu items that are amazing.

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When you walk the track and you see a corner and realise you were going round it at 160mph you wonder who could be so stupid to take a corner at that speed. But in the car you don't even think about that.