Search For normally In Quotes 33

You need to eat normally and healthfully and you need to exercise. I'm so passionate about this because I think people spend their lives not happy in their bodies.

Normally I name my characters after famous comedians.

Tragedy in life normally comes with betrayal and compromise and trading on your integrity and not having dignity in life. That's really where failure comes.

I live with one foot in the sand and one in the snow. There's European egocentricity and the African opposite. I normally say that my African experience has made me a better European.

With 'Good Will Hunting ' Miramax made certain the recruited audience wasn't expecting to laugh at Robin Williams like they normally do. From my limited experience you can really blow test screenings by conducting them in the wrong way.

Normally I love to go to the movies and when I see a character portrayed by different actors at different ages it kind of pops a little bit for me. It brings me out of the movie experience. Now we have the technology to cure that.

In two days it's hard to to get the quality you would normally want for a design project.

It's normally the kiss of death to be identified as a rising star or someone to watch.

Sometimes acting is really cool because it forces you to exercise certain muscles in your personality that you wouldn't normally be called upon in life.

Normally in dangerous situations I have a getaway car.