Search For musician In Quotes 145

I think Bach is equally a romantic composer because he laid the seeds harmonically for people like Chopin and the great Romantics Brahms so it's difficult to you know all this like labelling and putting - I think Bach is attractive to musicians because he supersedes the labels.

If we perform the romantic repertoire we need more musicians.

Madonna is a pro. I don't like her and have no respect for her but- I don't think she should be called a musician or a dancer or whatever you know but I do have well I do have respect for her ability to completely manipulate the media and have them work for her.

My father used to tell me about how musicians don't have respect from people and he was afraid about my future.

I just play the music that I love with musicians that I respect and fortunately I'm in a position where people are willing to play with me and perhaps I can do something to help them.

I still don't understand the music industry that much. Everything I learned was from hanging out with rock musicians in studios. I certainly have respect for those who make music their livelihood.

If we were all determined to play the first violin we should never have an ensemble. therefore respect every musician in his proper place.

I went through a phase when I was 13 where I would only fall in love with people over the age of 19 or 20. I never had a real relationship with any of these people but it was definitely the guy I wanted to hang out with and wanted to go on trips with. I would be like 'But Daddy he's a musician!'.

Favored Nations is a long-term commitment. Our hope is that those who are passionate about real musicianship will want to hear and own most of our albums. We will set out to attain the same direct relationship with our customers that we have with our artists.

Royalties are not how most writers or musicians make their living. Musicians by and large make a living with a relationship with an audience that is economically harnessed through performance and ticket sales.