Search For moving In Quotes 167

The violent reaction on the recent development of modern physics can only be understood when one realises that here the foundations of physics have started moving and that this motion has caused the feeling that the ground would be cut from science.

Putin has a lot at stake here and restoring the relationship with the United States and there are already signs as Sandy mentioned that he's moving in the right direction to begin to ascertain that their trade with Iran is not used for the production of nuclear weapons.

It would have been nice for Greg to eventually grow into a mature relationship with Laura. He was moving toward that already but then took a turn into the juvenile with Paige.

Yes I think it's really important to acknowledge that Dr. King precisely at the moment of his assassination was re-conceptualizing the civil rights movement and moving toward a sort of coalitional relationship with the trade union movement.

There is trust in there being a Spirit who loves me and wants me to have love in my life. I trust in this higher power it is what keeps me moving forward no matter what happens.

I think that the power is the principle. The principle of moving forward as though you have the confidence to move forward eventually gives you confidence when you look back and see what you've done.

At the last Celebration I spoke before an auditorium full of people and I could just feel the affection and the positive feelings that they were exuding. It was actually moving. I remember thinking 'I'm not worthy ' because 'Star Wars' is so much bigger than all of us.

We can in fact first place the beam of rays of moving positive atomic ions in a plane perpendicular to the axis in which we see the spectral lines emitted by them.

The next thing I am doing is moving back home to Minnesota and getting involved in politics. I'm looking at a run for Senate in 2008 but in the meantime I am focused on knitting together the progressive network in the upper Midwest.

I got politics and economics moving and then others took over.