Search For moves In Quotes 69

The moving finger writes and having written moves on. Nor all thy piety nor all thy wit can cancel half a line of it.

I mean movies in general tend to sort of portray time space and identity as these very solid things. Time moves forward. Space is what it is. You are you and you're always you.

Ice skating is very difficult. It takes a lot of discipline and a lot of hard work. It's fun but you are there on the ice every morning freezing and trying to do these moves and these tricks.

As kids we didn't complain about being poor we talked about how rich we were going to be and made moves to get the lifestyle we aspired to by any means we could. And as soon as we had a little money we were eager to show it.

When men and woman die as poets sung his heart's the last part moves her last the tongue.

Instead California is one of only 10 states that provides in-state college and university tuition to illegal immigrants. That's grossly unfair to a legal high school student who moves out of California for a year then returns to attend college.

Part of the joy of music is listening to lots of different kinds of music and learning from it. Specifically for me I like writing songs that move me and what moves me are beautiful songs on the piano or the guitar and really really heavy music.

It's a wonderful profession and it opens lots of doors and I think it's quite right that people can accuse actors and actresses of being dilettante but you learn on every job whatever it is the process moves you on in some way and yeah I want to expand my knowledge of our existence I suppose.

Enthusiasm moves the world.

The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity... and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination nature is imagination itself.

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Rude contact with facts chased my visions and dreams quickly away and in their stead I beheld the horrors the corruption the evils and hypocrisy of society and as I stood among them a young wife a great wail of agony went out from my soul.