Search For mothers In Quotes 79

The way Hollywood portrays mothers - you're either all good and saint-like or you're all bad. And I think the real honesty of motherhood is not given a voice in movies. I miss that as an audience member.

I've played a lot of mothers in my movies.

Kids end up seeing my movies anyway but some of the mothers get mad at me so I figured I'd make one that I can't get yelled at for.

I don't think anybody cares about unwed mothers unless they're black or poor. The question is not morality the question is money. That's what we're upset about.

Postpartum depression is a very real and very serious problem for many mothers. It can happen to a first time mom or a veteran mother. It can occur a few days... or a few months after childbirth.

Mothers send strips to daughters to make a point. Daughters smack strips down on the breakfast table to make a point. My own mom sometimes cuts a strip out and sends it to me to make sure I understand her.

I think while all mothers deal with feelings of guilt working mothers are plagued by guilt on steroids!

Mothers don't let your daughters grow up to be models unless you're present.

It's the moms of this nation - single married widowed - who really hold this country together. We're the mothers we're the wives we're the grandmothers we're the big sisters we're the little sisters we're the daughters. You know it's true don't you? You're the ones who always have to do a little more.

The Vatican is against surrogate mothers. Good thing they didn't have that rule when Jesus was born.