Search For monday In Quotes 25

On one level nothing's really changed in my life. I still drive my daughter in the car pool on Monday. But it's impossible not to be aware of this rush of attention it's impossible not to be seduced by it once you've entered into it seduced by being unhappy when the attention wanes.

There are pros and cons of experience. A con is that you can't look at the business with a fresh pair of eyes and as objectively as if you were a new CEO. Fire yourself on a Friday night and come in on Monday morning as if a search firm put you there as a turn-around leader. Can you be objective and make the bold change?

It's so amazing standing on the corner -this happened in Washington D.C. - and somebody comes by in a Cadillac and you hear 'Manic Monday' on the radio and you don't even know this person and they're listening to it and singing along with it. Wow! Blows your mind.

I know this is going to sound corny but I love my life. I love my baby so I love getting to wake up with him. And I have the most amazing job with writing that any actor would love and costars who I can't wait to see on Monday mornings. And I love coming home to my husband.

I have to be alone very often. I'd be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That's how I refuel.

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Sport is a wonderful metaphor for life. Of all the sports that I played - skiing baseball fishing - there is no greater example than golf because you're playing against yourself and nature.