Search For missions In Quotes 27

Factory farming is one of the biggest contributors to the most serious environmental problems. The meat industry causes more greenhouse gas emissions than all the cars trucks planes and ships in the world.

Nuclear power will help provide the electricity that our growing economy needs without increasing emissions. This is truly an environmentally responsible source of energy.

Consider the perverse effect cap and trade has on altruistic actions. Say you decide to buy a small high-efficiency car. That reduces your emissions but not your country's. Instead it allows somebody else to buy a bigger S.U.V. - because the total emissions are set by the cap.

You know if you're Guy Kawasaki and you create a car that gets 500 miles a gallon with zero emissions people on the Internet would say: 'I could have done that in half an hour and it's been done before. What's the big deal? I expected something more from him.' Meanwhile they didn't do it right? They're still living at home with their mothers.

I want a Mini-Cooper because it's fuel efficient emissions efficient and all that stuff. It's small and better for the environment. I think that will be my next car.

A woman's beauty is one of her great missions.

The environmental benefits of hydrogen are also outstanding. When used as an energy source hydrogen produces no emissions besides water. Zero polluting emissions an amazing advance over the current sources of energy that we use.