Search For married In Quotes 265

I was young. I was newly married. And I had worked like a dog. I just wanted to live and travel.

I've three children three grandchildren I work I travel and I'm very happily married. I'm very satisfied and happy with my life and there really isn't anything I want.

We're in a new world. We're in a world in which the possibility of terrorism married up with technology could make us very very sorry that we didn't act.

We managed to hang in there. Today when people get married there's a tendency to run away when things get tough. There is a lot of strength in hanging together.

Organic buildings are the strength and lightness of the spiders' spinning buildings qualified by light bred by native character to environment married to the ground.

Everybody sort of questioned why we get married on New Year's Day and of course the avid sports fans wouldn't come because they had to watch the Rose Bowl or whatever that is on that day.

If I could have married my wife and been a sports writer for the past 30 years I wouldn't be sitting here - but I don't think I'd be sitting someplace where I was sorry to be sitting.

I would love to be married. But it's not a necessity like the way that I feel I need and want to have children. It would be wonderful to have a husband and I would feel blessed to do it. But I would feel sad for the rest of my life if I had no kids.

I've been married before but I've never had my dream wedding in Vegas. I wanted to do it there because it's casual quick not religious and most of all very romantic.

I got a gymnastics scholarship to college fell in love with my true love of my whole life - who I'm married to now - and he was a virgin too. It was very romantic.