Search For managed In Quotes 33

One of the principal goals in my life has been to avoid embarrassing my children by doing the job I do. I hope I've managed to do that and I hope that with the job I'm in now they are if not proud at least unembarrassed by it. I must say my three are most agreeable children who do nothing but delight me.

Just because I managed to do a little something I don't want anyone back home to think I got the big head.

It was one of those great miracles of history that they managed to smuggle an Enigma machines out to Britain just before they were invaded by the Nazis.

We really were a very musical family. Father managed to buy us a small pump organ and I just loved this instrument.

At an incredibly divisive point in pop history Donna Summer managed to create an undeniable across-the-board experience of mass pleasure - after 'Bad Girls ' nobody ever tried claiming disco sucked again. It set the template for what Michael Jackson would do a few months later with 'Off The Wall.'

My mom was on welfare and the occasional food stamp but I have never participated in any of those governmental programs even the ones that kind of work like education scholarships and whatever and I managed to do just fine.

I stayed in Baghdad every summer until I was 14. My dad's sister is still there but many of my relatives have managed to get out. People forget that there are still people there who are not radicalized in any particular direction trying to live normal lives in a very difficult situation.

Organisations are now confronted with two sources of change: the traditional type that is initiated and managed and external changes over which no one has control.

The thing that helped me get into the film business was that I went to school in Athens Georgia and managed to get on um working on music videos for a band called R.E.M. and that kind of opened up a lot of doors for me.

I've managed to keep a clear head and remain sane in this business because I remain a kid off-camera.