Search For louis In Quotes 25

I thank Marc Jacobs so much for giving me the opportunity to design a shoe for Louis Vuitton but the thing that broke my heart most was when they said 'You're finished. The shoe's finished.'

And my dad wanted me to play the trumpet because that's what he liked. His idol was Louis Armstrong. My dad thought my teeth came together in a way that was perfect for playing the trumpet.

As everyone in Louisiana knows there was often no communication or coordination between the state and federal government in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

It's sad that women characters have lost so much ground in popular movies. Didn't 'Thelma and Louise' prove that women want to see women doing things on film? Thelma and Louise were in a classic car they were being chased by cops they shot up a truck - and women loved it.

I love Louisiana. It's amazing.

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It's wonderful to have the most important thing in the world there first thing in the morning. And especially in this business where the opportunity to think everything is about you is there every day now I really know that it isn't all about me.