Search For limits In Quotes 62

Patience has its limits. Take it too far and it's cowardice.

We trifle when we assign limits to our desires since nature hath set none.

It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not exist.

Our duty as men and women is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist. We are collaborators in creation.

As we advance in life we learn the limits of our abilities.

If you always put limit on everything you do physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus and you must not stay there you must go beyond them.

Outside of the Constitution we have no legal authority more than private citizens and within it we have only so much as that instrument gives us. This broad principle limits all our functions and applies to all subjects.

The existence of inherent limits of experience in no way settles the question about the subordination of facts of the human world to our knowledge of matter.

In intelligence work there are limits to the amount of information one can share. Confidentiality is essential.

Stupidity is infinitely more fascinating that intelligence. Intelligence has its limits while stupidity has none.