Search For likely In Quotes 129

Beyond that I seem to be compelled to write science fiction rather than fantasy or mysteries or some other genre more likely to climb onto bestseller lists even though I enjoy reading a wide variety of literature both fiction and nonfiction.

Indeed the whole human species is endangered by nuclear weapons or by other means of wholesale destruction which further advances in science are likely to produce.

Biology is now bigger than physics as measured by the size of budgets by the size of the workforce or by the output of major discoveries and biology is likely to remain the biggest part of science through the twenty-first century.

If I get the forty additional years statisticians say are likely coming to me I could fit in at least one maybe two new lifetimes. Sad that only one of those lifetimes can include being the mother of young children.

There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem the more likely one will be to treat others with respect kindness and generosity.

I think that the two of them have been doing this for a really long time and it is more like sport. Yes they would love to find a lasting relationship but it's not likely to happen the way they are going about it.

The most convincing argument against early parenthood is that you are in a relationship that is likely to fall apart before that child grows up.

All men want to be treated like kings in a relationship and I think if women don't indulge that sometimes their men are likely to stray and look for someone who can give that to them.

No punishment has ever possessed enough power of deterrence to prevent the commission of crimes. On the contrary whatever the punishment once a specific crime has appeared for the first time its reappearance is more likely than its initial emergence could ever have been.

Ironically women who acquire power are more likely to be criticized for it than are the men who have always had it.