Search For kinda In Quotes 33

The American audience has really opened up to women being A.) funny and B.) kinda crude. 'Bridesmaids' is R-rated and I think it was a major coup for women to have an R-rated comedy that did really well. Same as 'Bad Teacher.'

My family kinda hit the skids. We were experiencing poverty at that point. We all got a job where the whole family had to work as security guards and janitors. And I just got angry.

What I remember most about junior homecoming was my date getting sick afterwards. That kinda sucked. Then senior year someone got gum in her hair when we were dancing. She had to get one of the chaperones to take her to the office and cut up her hair. I felt really bad for her but it worked out fine.

Killing yourself is a major commitment it takes a kind of courage. Most people just lead lives of cowardly desperation. It's kinda half suicide where you just dull yourself with substances.

We used to play the underground clubs like the UFO and Middle Earth and they were great because they would have on things like a poet string quartets and then a rock band! It was kinda cool!

It's kinda cool seeing people having real fights with people they really know.

I kinda see everyone as competition. I'm a very competitive person. But I think that's good. Competition is great. And as long as it's friendly and not a malicious thing then I think it's cool.

A guy came to the shop every day. A lot of guys put the foam like stuff that forms to you kinda like the Indy car guys run. He fitted it up and it felt real good so we're going to try to run it.

My stay-married secret would probably be exercising good communication not when you have to but all the time. I think if you do that you kinda just cleanse the situations so there's not build up. I think that's probably the best way to do it.

Yeah my dream would be to work for 6 months and then have 6 months to play just snowboarding surfing and going to cool places to listen and be alone and kinda chill out.