Search For jackson In Quotes 28

I met Elijah Wood once I met Peter Jackson I met Orlando Bloom and they're all really cool.

With Jackson there was quiet solitude. Just to sit and look at the landscape. An inner quietness. After dinner to sit on the back porch and look at the light. No need for talking. For any kind of communication.

I'm in show business... I want to hang out with Janet Jackson not Jesse Jackson.

For my birthday this year my girlfriends - who knew I'd just inherited my dad's turntable - gave me a carton of albums like 'Blue Kentucky Girl ' by Emmylou Harris and 'Off the Wall ' by Michael Jackson. It's all stuff we grew up with. I mean you can't have a music collection without Prince's 'Purple Rain' - it just can't be done!

Janet Jackson is an icon I've been honored to meet her a few times working with her would be amazing.

It was an amazing experience to work with Michael Jackson who is a legend.

It could be fun to sing with Prince or Michael Jackson. Justin Timberlake has an amazing new sound now.

I was living on the wrong side of the tracks in Evanston Illinois in a home for boys. We had these Jackson 5 records. I really related to their voices - they were about my age but they were doing it.

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I had to trick people into giving me money for my first film. Making a romantic comedy is easier and more expected from a woman than it is to make a drama about a Japanese warrior.