Search For irony In Quotes 30

It is hard to miss the irony in the fact that the very same week that Republicans were publicly heralding Congressman Paul Ryan's plan to inject market forces into the American health care system they were crafting a budget deal to strip them from the health reform law.

Without a trace of irony I can say I have been blessed with brilliant enemies. I owe them a great debt because they redoubled my energies and drove me in new directions.

Certainly it seems true enough that there's a good deal of irony in the world... I mean if you live in a world full of politicians and advertising there's obviously a lot of deception.

The kind of funny irony is that a lot of people talk about ethical meat eating as if it's a way to care about things but also not to alienate yourself from the rest of the world. But it's so much more alienating than vegetarianism.

If a nation values anything more than freedom it will lose its freedom and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more it will lose that too.

You know the great irony is that people think you have to have money to enjoy fine food which is a shame.

That is where the irony of the film comes off in terms of the language it employs - where he tries desperately to be a 'TV Dad ' to give advice and it's so pat it becomes ridiculous.

The irony is that it was tougher to rent a car from Cerberus when it owned Alamo than to buy a semi-automatic. To rent a car one had to provide ID a drivers' license and get insurance coverage. To buy a gun? Cash and carry from the back of a station wagon at a gun show. No concerns about downstream liability or risk.

As you watch the world crumble try taking your Armageddon with this sprinkling of irony: Over the last three decades business has got virtually everything it wanted and its doomsday scenario from the 1970s has come true because of it.

The problem is that once the rules of art are debunked and once the unpleasant realities the irony diagnoses are revealed and diagnosed 'then' what do we do?