Search For intellect In Quotes 225

When women make their image about youth and sexuality and not about intellect that's kind of a dead-end road. So I think it's a combination of self-entrapment and entrapment by society.

The British are supposed to be particularly averse to intellectuals a prejudice closely bound up with their dislike of foreigners. Indeed one important source of this Anglo-Saxon distaste for highbrows and eggheads was the French revolution which was seen as an attempt to reconstruct society on the basis of abstract rational principles.

The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society is at the same time its ruling intellectual force.

It does not just happen. It is disclosed by science that practically one-half of trained intellectual resources are being mobilized for murderous purposes.

It was generally believed that Catholics were not interested in arts and science graduate schools. They weren't going to be intellectuals. And so I put the theses to the test. And they all collapsed.

I don't dare postulate about science but I know that it takes both emotion and intellect in order for art to happen.

By exploring the political and moral colorings of discoveries about what makes us tick we can have a more honest science and a less fearful intellectual milieu.

Gender consciousness has become involved in almost every intellectual field: history literature science anthropology. There's been an extraordinary advance.

Psychology is the science of the intellects characters and behavior of animals including man.

Science is an integral part of culture. It's not this foreign thing done by an arcane priesthood. It's one of the glories of the human intellectual tradition.