Search For institution In Quotes 159

Alabama citizens like the vast majority of Americans respect and value the meaning of decency and appreciate public institutions that reflect the common values of our society.

I have the most profound respect for the Department of Justice and the FTC. We in Europe are a younger and I would say junior institution to the historical antitrust experience of the US.

I've always had great respect for Paddington because he is amusingly English and eccentric. He is a great British institution and my generation grew up with the books and then Michael Horden's animations.

When theology erodes and organization crumbles when the institutional framework of religion begins to break up the search for a direct experience which people can feel to be religious facilitates the rise of cults.

The audience that I try to reach are members of what I call the church alumni association. Now they are people who have not found in institutional religion a God big enough to be God for their world.

We believe in a flexible union of free member states who share treaties and institutions and pursue together the ideal of co-operation to represent and promote the values of European civilisation in the world advance our shared interests by using our collective power to open markets and to build a strong economic base across the whole of Europe.

Power is not an institution and not a structure neither is it a certain strength we are endowed with it is the name that one attributes to a complex strategical situation in a particular society.

Religion is about turning untested belief into unshakable truth through the power of institutions and the passage of time.

All national institutions of churches whether Jewish Christian or Turkish appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind and monopolize power and profit.

Financial institutions the corporate world and civil society - all must uphold high standards of probity in their working. Only a genuine partnership between the Government and its people can bring about positive change to create a just society.