Search For innocent In Quotes 52

Power is no blessing in itself except when it is used to protect the innocent.

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.

Poetry is innocent not wise. It does not learn from experience because each poetic experience is unique.

Patriotism has served at different times as widely different ends as a razor which ought to be used in keeping your face clean and yet may be used to cut your own throat or that of an innocent person.

I derive no pleasure from prosecuting a man even though I know he's guilty do you think I could sleep at night or look at myself in the mirror in the morning if I hounded an innocent man?

There are few ways in which a man can be more innocently employed than in getting money.

The government can still conduct clandestine searches of innocent people's private information such as library medical and financial records. This is wrong and should have been addressed in a true compromise.

We cannot sacrifice innocent human life now for vague and exaggerated promises of medical treatments thirty of forty years from now. There are ways to pursue this technology and respect life at the same time.

Are your kids learning the right lessons about 9/11? Ten years after Osama bin Laden's henchmen murdered thousands of innocents on American soil too many children have been spoon-fed the thin gruel of progressive political correctness over the stiff antidote of truth.

Once we know of atrocities we cannot remain silent and knowledge inevitably leads to an urge to protect the innocent.

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I was from such a large family that when I first met my wife I told her: 'You can go work outside of the house and I'll stay home and continue making my cartoon strips. Maybe I'll make some commercials nearby you know I'll do anything locally but I would love to just stay at home and raise the kids like I did when I was growing up.'