Search For initial In Quotes 27

I think it can be fun to be single and date-like when you don't want a relationship. Or when you've just gotten out of a relationship and after get over the initial shock your thinking Hey it's kind of cool being single.

I'd be happy to be taken as a woman - and that's what I was initially trying to do when I started throwing on dresses and stuff. But that wasn't going to happen because everyone kept calling me sir. So I thought I'd change the method and just start wearing what I wanted to wear.

I first fell in love with music when I was a little boy. When I first heard music I felt the beauty in it. Then being able to tap along on a table top and box was great but my favorite thing to do was to watch records spin. I would almost get hypnotized by it. These things are what drew me in initially.

Some guys say beauty is only skin deep. But when you walk into a party you don't see somebody's brain. The initial contact has to be the sniffing.

My heart has been heavy and I have deliberated within my own conscience knowing that my decision should not come out of my initial emotion of anger toward the President for such reckless behavior but should be based on the facts.

Anyone who has played the game professionally you're always taught that the ball is the most important most precious thing so when the ball hits the ground it's always a mad scramble. It's amazing how many times there is a fumble and the person who recovers it initially doesn't walk away with the ball.

I have nothing to hide in art. The initial force alone can bring anyone to the end he must attain.

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I remember when I was growing up I always wore glasses and so if I was on-stage or just being able to move around playing sports I was never really able to because I had glasses holding me back. Wearing contacts has just been very helpful.