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This change to a higher phase of alert is a signal to governments to ministries of health and other ministries to the pharmaceutical industry and the business community that certain actions now should be undertaken with increased urgency and at an accelerated pace.

America's health care system provides some of the finest doctors and more access to vital medications than any country in the world. And yet our system has been faltering for many years with the increased cost of health care.

Children born to teens have less supportive and stimulating environments poorer health lower cognitive development and worse educational outcomes. Children of teen mothers are at increased risk of being in foster care and becoming teen parents themselves thereby repeating the cycle.

It is rather for us here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion.

Engineering undergraduates should not be charged fees. They should receive grants not student loans and the government will get the money back long-term from increased exports.

And I just think that we're at a point in our economic life here in our state - and - and candidly across the country where increased taxes is just the wrong way to go. The people of our state are not convinced that state government county government local government has done all they can with the money we already give them rather than the money that we have before.

Increased government spending can provide a temporary stimulus to demand and output but in the longer run higher levels of government spending crowd out private investment or require higher taxes that weaken growth by reducing incentives to save invest innovate and work.

By encouraging conservation increasing investments in clean renewable sources of energy and promoting increased domestic production of oil and gas we can build a more secure future for our country.

Friendship like love is destroyed by long absence though it may be increased by short intermissions.

The increased presence of Muslims in Italy and in Europe is directly proportional to our loss of freedom.