Search For imperfect In Quotes 43

Hope the best comfort of our imperfect condition.

If you are kept in ignorance of the true way and permit yourself to rely upon and be guided by the opinion of imperfect man you can never gain the riches that will bring you peace and lasting happiness.

Better a little which is well done than a great deal imperfectly.

We need religion as a guide. We need it because we are imperfect. Our government needs the church because only those humble enough to admit they are sinners can bring to democracy the tolerance it requires in order to survive.

As a real person he wouldn't last a minute would he? But drama is about imperfection. And we've moved away from the aspirational hero. We got tired of it it was dull. If I was House's friend I would hate it. How he so resolutely refuses to be happy or take the kind-hearted road. But we don't always like morally good people do we?

The God we serve does not seek out the perfect but instead uses our imperfections and our shortcomings for his greater good. I am humbled by my own limitations. But where I am weak He is strong.

Love and esteem are the first principles of friendship it is always imperfect if either of these two are wanting.

I think we learn the most from imperfect relationships - things like forgiveness and compassion.

God's forgiveness allows us to be honest with ourselves. We recognize our imperfections admit our failures and plead to God for clemency.

Even as we enumerate their shortcomings the rigor of raising children ourselves makes clear to us our mothers' incredible strength. We fear both. If they are not strong who will protect us? If they are not imperfect how can we equal them?