Search For ignore In Quotes 71

You can't ignore politics no matter how much you'd like to.

Politics in a literary work is like a gun shot in the middle of a concert something vulgar and however something which is impossible to ignore.

Poets should ignore most criticism and get on with making poetry.

Most people ignore most poetry because most poetry ignores most people.

Poetry is like a bird it ignores all frontiers.

Peace is a never ending process... It cannot ignore our differences or overlook our common interests. It requires us to work and live together.

It has been after all 11 years more than a decade now of defiance of U.N. resolutions by Saddam Hussein. Every obligation that he signed onto after the Gulf War so that he would not be a threat to peace and security he has ignored and flaunted.

To insure peace of mind ignore the rules and regulations.

The aspects of patriotism that hush dissent encourage going along and sanction comfortable distancing and compliance with what is indecent and unacceptable... those aspects are too fundamental to ignore or gloss over.

Parents were invented to make children happy by giving them something to ignore.

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I'm an amateur science enthusiast. I'm not even a professional enthusiast. I don't know anything I never even passed biology in high school. But I read the science section of the newspaper.