Search For honour In Quotes 26

You always hear people saying 'I hope I'm not turning into my dad' but I'd be honoured if I became half as decent a bloke as he is.

Let who will boast their courage in the field I find but little safety from my shield Nature's not honour's law we must obey: This made me cast my useless shield away.

Why should we honour those that die upon the field of battle? A man may show as reckless a courage in entering into the abyss of himself.

Fairest and dearest your wrath and anger are more heavy than I can bear but learn that I cannot tell what you wish me to say without sinning against my honour too grievously.

Receiving the Newcombe Medal for a third year in a row is an amazing honour. The Newcombe Medal is a great occasion for the Australian tennis community to come together and celebrate our sport recognise people's achievements and contributions to Australian tennis.

If you would have your son to walk honourably through the world you must not attempt to clear the stones from his path but teach him to walk firmly over them - not insist upon leading him by the hand but let him learn to go alone.