Search For honest In Quotes 335

If you are a reliable honest journalist sources will open up and trust you and share good information.

I always market research my books before I hand them in by showing them to five or six close friends who I trust to be honest with me so they are very heavily re-written already.

Me I'm dishonest and you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly it's the honest ones you have to watch out for.

But when I really look back on my life being really honest about it and now that I've got the chance to travel the world seeing how a lot of little kids grow up - my life wasn't so bad.

For a long time I tried to manage an honesty and openness about my personal life because I'm human and I'm normal - well semi-normal.

Honesty is the cruelest game of all because not only can you hurt someone - and hurt them to the bone - you can feel self-righteous about it at the same time.

Honestly I never thought I'd actually be playing a teen lesbian. I didn't think it was going to go this far. But I'm glad that it did because there have been a lot of fans who have expressed that they've been going through similar situations in their lives.

To be honest I haven't seen a lot of the current crop of teen movies because there's only so much time and there's nothing that really drives me to do it.

I honestly believe that the next big leap in immersive technology will be very much like Brainstorm.

Quite honestly I never had a desire to be an actor. I tell people I did not choose acting acting chose me. I never grew up wanting to be an actor. I wanted to play football. In about 9th grade an English teacher told me I had a talent to act. He said I should audition for a performing arts high school so I did on a whim. I got accepted.