Search For holding In Quotes 77

I felt that the elegance of pop music was that it was reflective: we were holding up a mirror to our audience and reflecting them philosophically and spiritually rather than just reflecting society or something called 'rock and roll.'

This morning someone sent me a very funny photo of me holding their puppy. We have matching colour jackets.

People really feel that when they go to the gas pump now that the oil cartel is holding them by the legs and tipping them upside down and shaking money out of their pockets.

You can't have bank holding companies acting as hedge funds. You can't have them taking a million-dollar pension plan for Joe Schmo the bus driver and treat it with the same risk appetite that you treat George Soros' pocket money. It's fundamentally ridiculous.

My mom and dad are both in stand-up comedy so that's where I started that's where I got everything. My roots are holding the mic.

My mom didn't want me to go to college. She didn't want me to read - when I read I may as well have been holding a pineapple.

Why is it that as a culture we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?

We can practice tolerance while still holding true to cultural values that protect the institution of marriage as a union between only a man and a woman.

Love is always open arms. If you close your arms about love you will find that you are left holding only yourself.

Love is much nicer to be in than an automobile accident a tight girdle a higher tax bracket or a holding pattern over Philadelphia.

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We are so accustomed to think of religion as a thing between individual men and God that we can hardly enter into the idea of a religion in which a whole nation in its national organisation appears as the religious unit.