Search For hatred In Quotes 80

Politics as a practice whatever its professions has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.

Politics is organized hatred that is unity.

In politics shared hatreds are almost always the basis of friendships.

Poetry and progress are like two ambitious men who hate one another with an instinctive hatred and when they meet upon the same road one of them has to give place.

There are better ways we can transform this virulent hatred - by living our ideals the Peace Corps exchange students teachers exporting our music poetry blue jeans.

Arafat rejected the deal because as a dictator who had directed all his energies toward strengthening the Palestinians hatred toward Israel Arafat could not afford to make peace.

This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good falsehood with truth and hatred with love.

Islam teaches tolerance not hatred universal brotherhood not enmity peace and not violence.

During times of war hatred becomes quite respectable even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism.

I realize that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone.