Search For harry In Quotes 24

I was in the bath at the time and my dad came running in and said 'Guess who they want to play Harry Potter!?' and I started to cry. It was probably the best moment of my life.

I love Prince Harry. Good looking and a bit of a rebel. Me and his dad are as thick as thieves and I knew Harry before I knew his dad so we've met a few times. I think he's amazing. And I think you can relate to him because he's made mistakes. He's cool.

As a kid I always loved serialized books. It's the reason why people love 'Harry Potter.' Serialization is amazing. It works in television. It works in film and it works in books. Especially when you're a young kid you get attached to these characters.

So Harry Potter came in and it is nice that I have kids of the right age. I took them to London and they walked around the set and met Harry Potter and that is thrilling.

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The other thing about FEMA my understanding is that it was supposed to move into the Department of Homeland Security... and be what it was but also having a lot of lateral communication with all those others involved in that issue of homeland security.