Search For frank In Quotes 91

The only reason to be in politics is public service. There's no other reason. Frankly if that's the best job you can get in terms of money that's too bad you know. Because frankly it's not well paid everyone knows that. So for most people it's a big sacrifice.

My college Fitzwilliam was pretty good but unfashionable and I lived in digs so I was not part of the cloistered 'old college' environment which frankly was a bit intimidating. But I worked hard and settled in by exploring politics and girls.

Frankly if you do politics you should not be thinking about your dignity.

One thing I have frankly decided is that when it comes to political reform we have two conservative parties in British politics. Both the Labour and Conservative parties have constantly and repeatedly failed to honour promises they have made about reforming cleaning modernising our clapped-out system.

Frankly I don't mind not being President. I just mind that someone else is.

Frankly writing poetry for children is plain old fun and I consider myself blessed to have such a delightful career.

But one does not make living writing poetry unless you're a professor and one frankly doesn't get a lot of girls as a poet.

It is jazz music that called me to be a musician and I have always sang the songs that moved me the most. Singers like Frank Sinatra and myself we interpret the songs that we like. Not unlike a Shakespearean actor that goes back to the greatest words ever written we go back to the greatest songs.

Frank is such a great visual storyteller that if you study his artwork you see that his Sin City books are already the best movies never seen on the big screen.

Frankly I got into the movies because I like the movies a lot.