Search For foremost In Quotes 26

You know not having my real dad around and having a step dad made me want to be a great dad. So now I have been one for 9 years. And now 3 daughters. So that is what I am - a dad first and foremost before anything else. It's just something that comes natural now.

The monarchy is foremost a business and it's important to them that the British public continue to finance the excessive luxurious lifestyles of the now quite enormous wasteful and useless 'royal' family. I find it very sad.

My husband and I are best of friends first and foremost. We fight like cats and dogs but never stay mad for long. I was lucky to find him he is in every way my soulmate.

Beauty is first and foremost an emotion.

The music is first and foremost everything - no egos no attitude nothing - it's about the music.

1 month ago the American people stopped to remember the third anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq war. We thought first and foremost of the selflessness patriotism and heroism by our troops our National Guard and Reserves.