Search For finished In Quotes 72

A show that no one thought had a chance has just finished its fifth year: Charmed. I think it's tougher for the younger networks so I think they have a little more patience for the sake of the show. But who knows?

I was half asleep lying there writing this lyric in my head at about 3:30 in the morning. I woke Steve up with this idea and then we went into the living room where there was a little upright piano and finished the song. I wonder where that piano is now?

I've just finished my 20th book this past year and I'm working on my 21st book about the Middle East right now that I'll finish this year. And I get up early in the morning and when I get tired of the computer and tired of doing research I walk 20 steps out to my woodshop and I either build furniture or paint paintings. I'm an artist too.

Maturity: Be able to stick with a job until it is finished. Be able to bear an injustice without having to get even. Be able to carry money without spending it. Do your duty without being supervised.

I'm kind of lucky that we've finished shooting 'Cougar Town ' so I'm able to kind of just enjoy my pregnancy and be a stay-at-home mom and go to prenatal Pilates and do all that fun stuff that if I were working would be almost impossible to do.

A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he's finished.

Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive it isn't.

It's mainly about working hard and proving to people you're serious about it and stretching yourself and learning. The mistake a lot of actors make particularly young ones is allowing themselves to feel that they're the finished articles the bee's knees and it's not true.

Life is given to you like a flat piece of land and everything has to be done. I hope that when I am finished my piece of land will be a beautiful garden so there is a lot of work.

The day I finished 'Twilight ' I came home and started bulking up. For 'New Moon ' I'm 30 pounds heavier than I was in 'Twilight.'

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I don't know what to do with it. I'm very fortunate to have it and it gives you room to maneuver. But the main thing about having money is it means you don't have to worry about it. And that for me is a lovely thing. It's not for fast cars and hookers.