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My taste in watching things runs from dramas and low-budget films to high-end fantasy/science fiction.

Science fiction films are not about science. They are about disaster which is one of the oldest subjects of art.

Film-makers are always going to be interested in making movies that plug into society around them. That's what a vibrant artistically alert community should be doing. After all it would be sad if we only made films about alien robots.

It's sad - it's sad for us old enough to remember when directors ruled and films were substantially better than they are today. But it's hard to argue with those kinds of grosses.

It's incredible that they censor films. It's sad.

In the West audiences think I am a stereotyped action star or that I always play hitmen or killers. But in Hong Kong I did a lot of comedy many dramatic films and most of all romantic roles lots of love stories. I was like a romance novel hero.

There are so many different reasons as to why I love riding trains. But I think ultimately it's the romantic feeling of it. There's something about it that just transports me into old films.

I am a big fan of the old Howard Hawks films from the 30s and 40s I was a big Hepburn and Tracey fan for a while and Woody Allen films that are a very different kind of romantic comedy.

In terms of romantic films all-time romantic films I really like 'Gone With the Wind.' And I realize I sound so cliched saying that but there's something so absolutely romantic about it.

Mind you Roman Holiday - which is kind of a romantic comedy - is one of my favorite films and I think Audrey Hepburn is absolutely phenomenal in that movie.