Search For fields In Quotes 36

Come live with me and be my love And we will all the pleasures prove That valleys groves hills and fields Woods or steepy mountain yields.

The introduction of many minds into many fields of learning along a broad spectrum keeps alive questions about the accessibility if not the unity of knowledge.

The frontiers of knowledge in the various fields of our subject are expanding at such a rate that work as hard as one can one finds oneself further and further away from an understanding of the whole.

The world's battlefields have been in the heart chiefly more heroism has been displayed in the household and the closet than on the most memorable battlefields in history.

I wish they'd had electric guitars in cotton fields back in the good old days. A whole lot of things would've been straightened out.

I don't hate humanity and I'm not interested in people who do. Although it's funny actually some of my favorite writers really do. Like Martin Amis. My dirty secret. 'London Fields' is one of my favorite books ever. And it's indefensible! But he's so funny... I forgive him everything.

America is becoming more and more dependent upon imports from foreign manufacturers than we are exports from our country in all fields: in appliances in clothing even food. This year America may become for the first time in its history a net food importer.

More than any other setting - more than battlefields or boardrooms or a spaceship headed for intergalactic travel - I'll put my money on the family to provide an endless source of comedy tragedy and intrigue.

The Negro people of America... have cut our forests tilled our fields built our railroads fought our battles and in all of their trials they have manifested a simple faith a grateful heart a cheerful spirit and an undivided loyalty .

After all those days in the cotton fields the dreams came true on a gold record on a piece of wood. It's in my den where I can look at it every day. I wear it out lookin' at it.