Search For fence In Quotes 47

My wife and I had decided not to let anybody take pictures of our home because it was just the last place on earth we had that was unscathed. But people have climbed over the fence they've taken aerial shots. They've gotten my address and put it on the Internet.

All things on earth point home in old October sailors to sea travellers to walls and fences hunters to field and hollow and the long voice of the hounds the lover to the love he has forsaken.

The home to everyone is to him his castle and fortress as well for his defence against injury and violence as for his repose.

The history of man is the history of crimes and history can repeat. So information is a defence. Through this we can build we must build a defence against repetition.

If you look at things that really affect people's lives - sport the arts charities - they were always at the back of the queue for government money - health social security defence pensions were all way ahead. And each of those areas - sports the arts the lottery - got relatively petty cash from the government.

I do not intend to dispute in any way the need for defence cuts and the need for government spending cuts in general. I do not share a not in my backyard approach to government spending reductions.

There are many people who feel that it is useless and futile to continue talking about peace and non-violence against a government whose only reply is savage attacks on an unarmed and defenceless people.

Working with plants trees fences and walls if they practice sincerely they will attain enlightenment.

When others stood idly by you and your families gave your all in defence of a risen people and in pursuit of Irish freedom and unity.

We must pay greater attention to keeping our bodies and minds healthy and able to heal. Yet we are making it difficult for our defences to work. We allow things to be sold that should not be called food. Many have no nutritive value and lead to obesity salt imbalance and allergies.

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I don't hide my feelings but when it comes to illness I guess I don't panic. My father was the same way. I'm the provider for the family and the caretaker. If I panic who is anybody going to run to?