Search For expressed In Quotes 33

Blind faith no matter how passionately expressed will not suffice. Science for its part will test relentlessly every assumption about the human condition.

An enormous part of our mature experience cannot not be expressed in words.

Equality is the public recognition effectively expressed in institutions and manners of the principle that an equal degree of attention is due to the needs of all human beings.

Jazz to me is a living music. It's a music that since its beginning has expressed the feelings the dreams hopes of the people.

In fact the best thing we could do on taxes for all Americans is to simplify the individual tax code. This will be a tough job but members of both parties have expressed an interest in doing this and I am prepared to join them.

One's philosophy is not best expressed in words it is expressed in the choices one makes... and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.

The Dancer believes that his art has something to say which cannot be expressed in words or in any other way than by dancing.

To say the word Romanticism is to say modern art - that is intimacy spirituality color aspiration towards the infinite expressed by every means available to the arts.

Organic architecture seeks superior sense of use and a finer sense of comfort expressed in organic simplicity.

Every child senses with all the horse sense that's in him that any parent is angry inside when children misbehave and they dread more the anger that is rarely or never expressed openly wondering how awful it might be.