Search For explore In Quotes 65

This book is about physics and its about physics and its relationship with mathematics and how they seem to be intimately related and to what extent can you explore this relationship and trust it.

We tend to think of politics as bad full of dirty tricks negative ads big campaigns but I am here to explore the original meaning of politics which is positive and has to do with balancing competing interests and looking for solutions.

The learned is happy nature to explore The fool is happy that he knows no more.

I don't want to limit myself musically. It would be really limiting if we'd neglect something we really want to do like explore other styles of music.

We wanted to solve robot problems and needed some vision action reasoning planning and so forth. We even used some structural learning such as was being explored by Patrick Winston.

You should be having more fun in high school exploring things because you want to explore them and learning because you love learning-not worrying about competition.

It is always good to explore the stuff you don't agree with to try and understand a different lifestyle or foreign worldview. I like to be challenged in that way and always end up learning something I didn't know.

The intellectual takes as a starting point his self and relates the world to his own sensibilities the scientist accepts an existing field of knowledge and seeks to map out the unexplored terrain.

I feel sometimes as the renaissance man must have felt in finding new riches at every point and in the certainty that unexplored areas of knowledge and experience await at every turn.

The truth is often terrifying which I think is one of the motifs of Larry and Andrew's cinema. The cost of knowledge is an important theme. In the second and third films they explore the consequences of Neo's choice to know the truth. It's a beautiful beautiful story.