Search For expense In Quotes 47

Fame and power are the objects of all men. Even their partial fruition is gained by very few and that too at the expense of social pleasure health conscience life.

There is no happiness for people at the expense of other people.

A sure way to lose happiness I found is to want it at the expense of everything else.

The Super Bowl isn't for kids I had a great time though and it was worth every nickel of it because by doing this lame piece about the game I can put it on my expense account.

The state is the great fictitious entity by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else.

Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense and great expense may be an essential part in true economy.

Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.

History tells us that America does best when the private sector is energetic and entrepreneurial and the government is attentive and engaged. Who among us really would looking back wish to edit out either sphere at the entire expense of the other?

Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.

My actions constituted pure hacking that resulted in relatively trivial expenses for the companies involved despite the government's false claims.