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The personal life deeply lived always expands into truths beyond itself.

Gratitude helps you to grow and expand gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.

In college I never realized the opportunities available to a pro athlete. I've been given the chance to meet all kinds of people to travel and expand my financial capabilities to get ideas and learn about life to create a world apart from basketball.

Vigorous enforcement of copyrights themselves is an important part of the picture. But I don't think that expanding the legal definition of copyright outside of actual copyright infringement is the right move.

Learning how to get in tune with your field of energy and understand how to create your energy expand that energy and move that energy through your body. Coming back to your center and approaching life from that center-to-line place... That to me gave me strength and understanding and hopefully wisdom to solve life's problems and challenges.

Yes - it's the same in any other work - the more you massage your thinking the more capable I believe you are of expanding how you go about things and learning.

Emotional 'literacy' implies an expanded responsibility for schools in helping to socialize children. This daunting task requires two major changes: that teachers go beyond their traditional mission and that people in the community become more involved with schools as both active participants in children's learning and as individual mentors.

We should be therefore supporting a larger Europe and in so doing we should strive to expand the zone of peace and prosperity in the world which is the necessary foundation for a stable international system in which our leadership could be fruitfully exercised.

Alliances and international organizations should be understood as opportunities for leadership and a means to expand our influence not as constraints on our power.

For the longest time I was brought up listening to only two genres of music pop and rock. So in the past few years I've been trying to expand my interests because I think that you can only write to the extent of your knowledge and if your knowledge is limited you can't write past that.