Search For excuse In Quotes 65

Terrorism can never be accepted. We must fight it together with methods that do not compromise our respect for the rule of law and human rights or are used as an excuse for others to do so.

There is no excuse for perjury - never never never. There is truth and the truth demands respect.

We first fought the heathens in the name of religion then Communism and now in the name of drugs and terrorism. Our excuses for global domination always change.

I think there's no excuse for the American poetry reader not knowing a good deal about what is going on in the rest of the world.

The only excuse for war is that we may live in peace unharmed.

We are used to female writers who use their private lives as unmitigated material being somewhat hormonal this somehow 'excuses' what might be seen as a highly unfeminine ability to turn their personal upsets into money.

If time is money it seems moral to save time above all one's own and such parsimony is excused by consideration for others. One is straight-forward.

Give me six lines written by the most honorable of men and I will find an excuse in them to hang him.

Love feels no burden thinks nothing of trouble attempts what is above its strength pleads no excuse of impossibility for it thinks all things lawful for itself and all things possible.

I do not believe in excuses. I believe in hard work as the prime solvent of life's problems.

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Just as we reject racism sexism ageism and heterosexism we reject speciesism. The species of a sentient being is no more reason to deny the protection of this basic right than race sex age or sexual orientation is a reason to deny membership in the human moral community to other humans.