Search For everyone In Quotes 626

The condition of man... is a condition of war of everyone against everyone.

I will not play tug o' war. I'd rather play hug o' war. Where everyone hugs instead of tugs Where everyone giggles and rolls on the rug Where everyone kisses and everyone grins and everyone cuddles and everyone wins.

A judgment about life has no meaning except the truth of the one who speaks last and the mind is at ease only at the moment when everyone is shouting at once and no one can hear a thing.

I want everyone to tell me the truth even if it costs him his job.

Not everyone can see the truth but he can be it.

Everyone who knows me will know the truth which is that my children come first in my life and that I would never harm any child.

When you're playing the same dirty dozen night after night the moments that keep it fresh are those when you just let go and trust everyone.

These are very subtle things of course and I don't expect everyone to pick them up consciously but I think that there is something there that you must be able to feel there is an energy at work that I must trust my audience will be able to pick up at some level.

The way I look at it everything is a trade. You acquire some money so then you've got no financial burdens but everyone wants your money and so who can you trust? Or you've got no money and you can trust anyone but then you've got the worry to pay bills. Which is worse?

Not everyone is lucky enough to be given space and trust.

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We associate the North Atlantic with cod. The motto of Newfoundland used to be 'In cod we trust.' It was a joke but it was essentially true. But there is no cod anymore. And that's extraordinary. It's all because of either greed or politics - Canadian politics.