Search For evening In Quotes 68

You know the men go to tea houses with the expectation that they will have a nice quiet evening and not read about it the next morning in the newspaper.

A city with one newspaper or with a morning and an evening paper under one ownership is like a man with one eye and often the eye is glass.

I'm set to have my best year ever: I'm hiring some acts and there will be a show in the morning in the afternoon and in the evening. I'm going to use my theater to its fullest potential.

The attorney general would call at 5 o'clock in the evening and say: 'Tomorrow morning we are going to try to integrate the University of Mississippi. Get us a memo on what we're likely to do and what we can do if the governor sends the National Guard there.'

Most of the top actors and actresses may be working in ten or twelve films at the same time so they will give one director two hours and maybe shoot in Bombay in the morning and Madras in the evening. It happens.

I was a government employee in the morning and a writer in the evening.

The quality of life is so much higher anyplace you can ski in the morning and surf in the evening - there's something to be said for that.

The day of the sun is like the day of a king. It is a promenade in the morning a sitting on the throne at noon a pageant in the evening.

When I first broke through there was only NBC CBS and ABC and they had news in the morning and in the evening - there wasn't no 24-hour news.

In the morning we received some very thin coffee. For lunch we had potato soup with a few pieces of meat in it in the evening we had a very thin meat soup with some potatoes in it.