Search For encouraging In Quotes 26

The failure of Socialism since 1945 is that whilst encouraging us all the creators of wealth to produce less through strikes it has caused us all to demand a higher level of our own product.

My father respected and admired my mother and was a person who was always standing by my side encouraging me to do more and believed in my capacity. So in that sense my own experience was very good in becoming an empowered woman. From early on I carried that strong message: 'You can do it.' So I never had any doubt that women can do a lot.

This is at the heart of all good education where the teacher asks students to think and engages them in encouraging dialogues constantly checking for understanding and growth.

I was very sad to hear of the death of Ronnie Barker who was such a warm friendly and encouraging presence to have when I started in television. He was also a great comic actor to learn from.

If I am to be known for anything I would like it to be for encouraging Canadians for knowing a little bit about their daily extraordinary courage. And for wanting that courage to be recognized.

In the long term we can hope that religion will change the nature of man and reduce conflict. But history is not encouraging in this respect. The bloodiest wars in history have been religious wars.